Vi håller till på Hartwickska huset
Sankt Paulsgatan 39B, 11848 STOCKHOLM
10.00-12.00. Årsmöte. Dagordning+årsmötesdokument
14.00-17.00. Föreläsning inkl.kaffe-paus
Vi välkomnar Dr. Charlotte Harkness, existentiell psykoterapeut och akademiker, som föreläser om sin forskning. Hon är knuten till NSPC (New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling) i London, kollega med Emmy van Deurzen. Här följer en presentation:
Dr. Charlotte Harkness is a UKCP registered existential psychotherapist and academic. She began her psychotherapy career nearly twenty years ago when she studied person-centred counselling and she began her practice at Cambridge University as a student counsellor. Charlotte’s original undergraduate studies were in music and philosophy and from there, in 2009, she joined New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) to embark on the psychotherapy doctoral programme. Her doctoral research, supervised by Prof. Emmy van Deurzen and Dr. Rosemary Lodge, focussed on an existential formulation of transformative experiences in nature. From this research she went on to write The Nature of Existence which was published in 2017. Charlotte is a keen long-distance walker and has experienced and valued the therapeutic nature of wild, landscapes for as long as she can remember. It was only during her doctoral studies that she began to consider more seriously the particular quality of the human-nature relationship – something she had previously taken for granted. When Charlotte achieved her doctorate she began to work at NSPC as deputy course leader for the DProf and from there she moved to University of Surrey. Charlotte now works as an independent academic and an associate lecturer and supervisor at NSPC. She is currently focusing on writing about the nature of grief.
The current era of climate crisis demands that we take seriously our relationship with our planet. At the same time we are becoming more and more segregated from our natural world. Shining a light on this relationship and our own nature is vital for both our own and our planet’s healing. This essential idea underpins and upholds Charlotte’s current research and practice.
Kostnad föreläsning:
Medlemmar 200 kr. Icke-medlemmar 350 kr. Betalas till BG 5883-3773. Ange ditt namn och vad betalningen gäller.
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